10 December 2018 by administartor
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The Center of Voice for Professionals is a specialized branch.

The facility is intended for children and adults who are in the group of patients with special and increased requirements for the organs of speech. A unique offering of holistic health care has been created for patients who use their voice as a working tool (singers, actors, teachers, speakers, lecturers, politicians), under which medical consultations, voice rehabilitation and physical therapy services are provided. Interdisciplinary medical specialists and therapists guarantee comprehensive, high-quality medical services in the field of disorders of the broadly understood communicative process and vocal activity.

Voice as a working tool

For many professions, the voice is a necessary tool in everyday work, where the ability to use speech correctly is the source of success.

Reproduction of speech sounds is not only a mechanical action of individual organs and muscles, but also a conscious and purposeful activity, regulated by our nervous system. The intellectual nature of voice formation means that it is a conscious and purposeful action that depends on our nervous system.

The Center of Voice for Professionals offers you:

  • Comprehensive health care for actors, singers, teachers, speakers, radio and television announcers, politicians and all those for whom the voice is a working tool,
  • Prevention of voice and speech disorders,
  • The skill of correct voice emission,
  • Treatment of diseases of the vocal apparatus,
  • Rehabilitation and restoration of voice functions,
  • Therapeutic programs for professionals,
  • Consultations before carrying out operations for the restoration and correction of the voice.

We provide our patients with offices equipped with high-quality medical equipment:

  • An otorhinolaryngological office
  • A phoniatric office
  • A therapy room
  • A speech therapist’s office
  • A psychologist’s office
  • A physiotherapy room
  • A laboratory for the study of speech and voice.
  • Alina Górska
  • Wojciech Będziński
  • Ewa Kazanecka
  • Paulina Krasnodębska
  • Agnieszka Kurowska
  • Beata Miaśkiewicz
  • Jan Ratajczak
  • Joanna Ratyńska
  • Agata Szkiełkowska
  • Elżbieta Włodarczyk
  • Danuta Stępień
  • Anna Domeracka-Kołodziej
  • Marzena Mularzuk
  • Małgorzata Czajka-Jędrzejczak
  • Joanna Adamiak
  • Wiktoria Litwińczuk
  • Professional, comprehensive medical care for patients who use their voice as a working tool (singers, actors, teachers, politicians, etc.),
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of the organs of hearing and speech (endoscopic examination of the larynx using rigid optics, examination of the throat, examination of the nasopharynx and larynx using fiberscopes, stroboscopy of the larynx, video strobokymography, acoustic examinations of the characteristics of voice and speech, hearing examinations),
  • Conservative treatment of diseases of the mouth, throat, nasopharynx, larynx, sinuses and ears,
  • Larynx surgery,
  • Rehabilitation of the voice and speech function (relaxing breathing exercises, articulation exercises, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the larynx),
  • Physiotherapy in the treatment of the ear, throat, larynx, nose and sinuses (atomizers, AMSA inhalers, moisturizing inhalations, modern methods of electrocution, including iontophoresis, electrical stimulation of the soft palate and tongue, ultrasonic inhalers, relaxing and therapeutic massages),
  • Speech therapy exercises,
  • Psychological guidance,
  • Rehabilitation programs based on auditory therapy,
  • Organization of training courses on speech technique and effective business communication for companies, educational institutions and public institutions,
  • Registration on an electronic carrier of information about the work of the larynx during singing and during speech reproduction in real time,
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the larynx (diagnosis and treatment),
  • Hoarseness in children and adults (diagnosis and treatment),
  • Various voice disorders (including aphonia),
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx,
  • Disturbances in the voice in professional activities (singers, teachers). Prevention, initial examination and constant medical supervision, treatment, and rehabilitation of the voice,
  • Functional disorders of the voice, not associated with anatomical changes,
  • Vocal cord nodules and other tissue changes (polyps, swelling, cysts),
  • Disturbances in the fluency of speech (stuttering),
  • Delayed speech development,
  • Speech disorders,
  • Diagnostics before phonosurgery,
  • Video-strobokymography (VSK),
  • Video-laryngostroboscopy (VLS),
  • Nasofiberoscopy.

Center of Voice for Professionals Medincus in Warsaw

Okólnik 2
(1st floor of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music)
00-368 Warsaw

phone: +48 22 463 54 70

Monday: 9.00-19.00
Tuesday: 9.00-19.00
Wednesday: 9.00-19.00
Thursday: 9.00-19.00
Friday: 9.00-17.00
Saturday: 9.00-14.00


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