
The Polymodal Sensory Perception Stimulator used for the therapy by Skarżyński method (SPPS – S), developed by the Center of Hearing and Speech LTD, received a prestigious award – the Gold Medal at the Invention and Innovation Fair INNOVERSE EXPO 2022  (22-30 July 2022), organized online in the USA by the World Intellectual Property Association WIIPA. The innovative solution used in the treatment of people with auditory processing disorders has been awarded many times so far, including Złoty Skalpel, Polish Product of the Future and Teraz Polska.

Jurors and participants of the INNOVERSE EXPO 2022 were also interested in the Sensory Examination Capsule which won Silver Medal. It is an integrated system of devices for diagnostics and teleconsultation of sensory organs diseases.  It enables to provide early diagnostics of sensory organs, such as hearing, sight, smell, taste and balance, in one place. The project of the World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing was created in cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology, Medical University of Warsaw, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Sensory Organs, International Center of Hearing and Speech MEDINCUS and Greenfusion Sp. z o.o.

All inventions presented during the INNOVERSE EXPO 2022 fair were assessed in terms of their innovation, level of technological development, urgency of the solved task or contribution to society. The jurors selecting the winners also took into account the perspective of the development of inventions and the opportunities they provide for the users.

The event attracted a large number of international exhibitors from almost 20 countries and over 1000 participants. It was a unique opportunity to learn about inventions and innovations from 12 different categories, including electricity, ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology, health and medicine, mechanic, robotic and aviation. The aim of the fair is to promote the world of innovation based on advanced technologies and scientific development.


We are pleased to inform you that from November, fitting the cochlear implant processor is possible without leaving your house. Our new mobile fitting offer allows you to:

  • consultation with a specialist (clinical engineer) during a home visit,
  • correction of the implant settings and checking its operation,
  • conducting the necessary objective and subjective tests by specialised measuring and matching equipment,
  • basic service, 
  • arrangements for the stages of the rehabilitation plan.

Thanks to the mobile fitting, there is no need for you to come to our clinic in Kajetany saving your time and expenses of the journey. According to the previous arrangement, the clinical engineer will arrive at your place with the necessary equipment.

Without stress, rush and in the comfort of your own house, you will have the opportunity to discuss your listening needs and correct the settings, and thus to set the speech processor parameters more optimally.

In order to make an appointment, please contact us at +48 666 333 222 or via e-mail: implanty@medincus.pl.

We are waiting for your phone. 


Due to the epidemiological situation regarding the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund and the Chief Sanitary Inspector, we provide the most important information to patients of the Center of Hearing and Speech MEDINCUS.

In accordance with the epidemiological safety procedures at the Center of Hearing and Speech MEDINCUS, we try to limit scheduled visits, we contact patients and postpone the dates of medical visits and specialized inhalations.



Contraindications for visits in our Center are as follows:

  • being abroad in the last 14 days,
  • symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing problems.

Patients with the above-mentioned contraindications will not be admitted.

Stay at home, if you have symptoms of severe cold or flu, contact the National Health Fund (NFZ) at phone number: 800 190 590. The National Health Fund Coronavirus Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • Please wash and disinfect your hands before and after the visit.
  • Only one person is allowed at the registration desk.
  • Please use cashless payment methods.
  • Please keep a safe distance from other patients (min. 1 m).
  • Only patients without accompanying persons may enter the doctor’s room (except visits with a child, a disabled person or an elderly person).
  • We ask guardians not to leave their children without supervision at the clinic premises.
  • Please follow the rules when sneezing and coughing (when coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or handkerchief – throw the handkerchief into a closed basket as soon as possible and wash your hands using soap and water or disinfect them).
  • Please limit the time spent in the clinic to the minimum.


Scheduled surgeries are carried out on the set dates. A clinic employee after an epidemiological interview confirms the date one day before the surgery. Patients coming to the Clinic for the surgery must be healthy and do not have any contact with people with signs of infection within the previous 14 days. 

Until further notice, all visits of patients in the hospital ward are prohibited. Exception: children and disabled patients – one healthy guardian is allowed.


Thank you for your understanding, please keep up with our announcements.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Medincus call center at phone number +48 666 333 222.  


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Copyright by CSIM 2023. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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Cвершение: X-Connect.pl
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